Wednesday, August 25, 2010

JOIN Singapore's FIRST Travelling Dance Competition with SIM DreamWerkz !!!


The registration for joining is OFFICIALLY CLOSED! =D Thank you SO MUCH for the overwhelming response!!!!!!! We are getting REALLY excited about this HUGE contingent!! For those that have joined, signed the indemnity form and paid the refundable $10, you will hear from us VERY SOON and please accept the private invitation to our Facebook Group 'SIM INCANDESCENCE (CHINGAY '11)'! =)

**All updates will be posted in the Facebook group and this blog! So you know what to do ya. =P **


P.S. For those that have sent us email, do give us a bit of time to reply u as we are sorting things out. =)

WASSUP ppl!!

ITS OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE GONNA JOIN Singapore's FIRST Travelling Dance Competition !!!

All the details are up in the NEW tab on top, 'Chingay 2011' ... right beside 'Contact Us'! Go Check it out now !!

Proudly presenting the OFFICIAL Poster for the event!

NOTE!! - To register, please go to


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Attention guys!!!

Missed our first audition? No worries BECAUSE


We're extending out the opportunities to join our very own advance team once more as we have several exciting upcoming events and we're looking to expand our team. So what are you waiting for? Come down and groove with us!

Once again, no preparation is needed. You can walk-in on that day itself but we would appreciate it if you would sign up either at our facebook event page!/event.php?eid=143776072320125&ref=mf or through our club email -


21st August
11:30 - 1 pm
Ulu Pandan Studio!

Feel free to ask us any questions using the chatroll or the tagboard!

Can't wait to see you guys!!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

DWZ Advance Team AUGUST Audition +++ !!!!

HEY ppl!!

Check out the trailer below! Done by our very own VP, Weiqi (dancing tofu).

ALSO! Please SUBSCRIBE to our VERY own Youtube channel!! ---> SIM DreamWerkz

PLUS! You must have noticed the NEW, COOL, LIVE chat window up there. YES! We can all CHAT in DWZ BLOG!!! LIVE !!! SO PLZ feel free to just sign in as a guest or what and chat with us/ leave a message there! (p.s. cos this chat thing is a free account, it supports up to a certain no. of ppl only... so sorry if you cannot join in, but we still have the tagboard! =D )

Lastly, comments are ALWAYS welcomed!! We want to hear from YOU!

Peaceeeeeee! DWZ WoooooOooShhhh! =P