Group 1 – Shiqi
With less than a 30 minutes nap, I made my way to school on a Saturday morning for the Chingay amazing race orientation. Reached school at 8am SHARP!! The earliest I’ve been so far in these two years. Heh! Ran like mad from the Flyer to Suntec back to Esplanade, then to Chinatown, Raffles, etc. My mind went blank at one instant, but my legs just kept running… and running… and running…. the number ‘1’ just kept appearing in my head.
Was rather grateful that most of the people in my team turned up. We ended up being the largest group, having a total12 people including the facilitator Qing Yong from Love Retreats. There are definitely disadvantages for being such a huge group. It was difficult to oversee the welfare of everyone when you have so many people, but it was also because of the size of our group that everyone came together and pushed ourselves to finish the race as a team.
I told my group in the bus to Marina Bay, “Hey! in my group means must get first leh”. They all looked at me and smiled. A bunch of really enthusiastic people!! Had so much fun with them!! Of course, at every station I constantly reminded them how it will be like when they announced the scores at the end of the race and we came in first. WE DID!!!!!! We should always begin with the end in mind, right?? Haha!! Really want to share this verse I came across on the net randomly some time back that inspired me to the soul.
If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don't. If you think you can't win, it is almost certain that you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you've lost. For out in the world we find, success begins with a fellow's will. It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are. You've got to think high to rise. You’ve got to be sure of yourself before you can ever win a prize.
Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later the man who wins, is the man who thinks he can.
by C. W. Longenecker
HMMMM…. shall I remind everyone during the weekly practices in the future how it will be like if we emerged champion for the FIRST Singapore traveling mass dance competition? HAHA!!!
Group 2 – Florence
Personally, I felt that this amazing race helped bond the people together.
Not only do they work together as a team to complete tasks at each station, they are also given the chance to lead and decide who to follow for the next station. From this event, we can identify who the leaders and who are the followers.
This amazing race is a very good way to start off the preparation for the competition and mix the whole contingent around. It definitely marked a good start! I believed everyone enjoyed themselves in this amazing race and am definitely excited to know what we have prepared for them next.
Group 3 – Shawn
A great success in bonding the teams and the dance captains indeed! Although only 6 of the 12 people in my team turned up for the race, it was not handicapped at all. In fact, we managed to win 2nd place overall!! Having said that, I realized that winning wasn’t really the main thing that day because even when we were running out of time, I can still see my group members talking and getting to know each other while we moved from checkpoint to checkpoint throughout the entire race. That’s why it was a great success!
Group 4 – Linda
Group 5 – Mu En
(will update photos of Mu En’s group as soon as we get it from the facilitator)
Group 6 – Beifang
Waking up early in the morning, reporting to school by 8a.m isn’t really my sort of thing, but weird as it may seem, it was all worth it. It was really nice and especially important, for SIM to hold such bonding sessions through this amazing race, to allow us, the dance captains, to bond with our group members. Tiring as it may seem, I had fun too! Working together, solving clues, cracking our brains, this is definitely a big step in getting us ready for the challenges we are going to face in the coming months.
Group 7 – Steph
Group 8 – Windy
Group 9 – Ee Chin
I have never participated in any amazing race related events before, so the amazing race was an interesting first time experience for me. I enjoyed the walking and running around despite the hot weather. I was afraid that my group members would find this group an uninteresting and boring one. However, the group members have shown great enthusiasm in this race, jokes and laughter are being shared between the members throughout the whole race. This event had told me that a team’s bond is important to keep the whole team spirit going.
Group 10 – Megan
Almost as soon as the dawn breaks, we were all gathered in school for SIM Incandescence's first gathering! The amazing race started off from the Singapore Flyer and my group, Tango, was already hyped up for the challenges set for us. Even though our group only had 7 participants in total, including me and the facilitator from Love Retreats, we were pretty sure we can aim for one of the first groups to finish the race. Since we have a small group it should be easy to move around quickly, right? I think that I had set too high an expectation for our group
because along the way, everyone was so enthusiastic and optimistic that we kept on thinking we were ahead of most of the other groups. It was only when we were at our last few stations that we realized it would take forever to walk back from Chinatown all the way back to our starting point. It was definitely a little disappointed knowing that we might not be able to make it on time. The facilitator did a good job in keeping the spirit of the group up. Afterall, it was just a game for team bonding. I'm glad that all of us had fun during the race.
Last but not least, let us congratulate the CHAMPION TEAM!!!! (AHERM… Shiqi’s team)
Shiqi: Thank you Iris, Emily, Ashley, Beverly, Gabriela, Ivan, Eddie, Dominic, Jeremy and Tai Wen for being such wonderful team members!!!! Thank you Weiqi for helping me out on Saturday as well!! Really appreciate all the effort you guys put in when I said “RUNNNNN!!!!”. Had a good time with you guys during dinner on Saturday. Looking forward to future rehearsals with you guys, and we shall take another group photo when we receive the $15,000 prize on 12th February 2011 =P
My deepest appreciation to my 10 dance captains for their hard work as well as the participants for making everything possible.
Last but not least, THANK YOU MS JANICE LOW for all the support you've given us!!!!
Thanks for reading!! Stay tuned for more UPDATES!